
Silverscreen star Riaz entered the golf course with his two-and-a-half-year-old daughter Amira. Soon enough cricketer Mehedi Hasan Miraz came as well. And golf’s own star, Siddikur Rahman, got busy teaching the game to the stars from two different worlds.

This is not a scene from shooting of a cinema or drama. The Asian Tour brought two stars from two different worlds to the Kurmitola Golf Club. And they became devoted students of star golfer Siddikur Rahman.

The third day of the AB Bank Bangladesh Open was indeed a constellation of stars at the Kurmitola Golf Club. And this unique initiative was taken by the golf federation’s media partner TheGolfHouse to spread the game among the masses.

This is not a scene from shooting of a cinema or drama. The Asian Tour brought two stars from two different worlds to the Kurmitola Golf Club. And they became devoted students of star golfer Siddikur Rahman.

It was apparent from the reaction of Miraz that he enjoyed the game. He was eagerly taking lessons on how to hold the club. Then he started putting and soon he sank one, to the cheer from the crowd.




So did Miraz ever have the hidden dream of becoming a golfer? Replying to this query, the national cricketer said with a smile: “I did not know much about golf when I started playing cricket. But during an England tour, we stayed at a hotel which was just adjacent to a golf course. Watching the game there made me interested towards it. After returning home, I learnt about Siddikur bhai. I learnt that he is a top golfer in Asia. I’m really happy to meet him today.”

Miraz was also delighted to meet Riaz, the silverscreen star, whom he had only previously seen on television. “I have seen his acting on TV and cinema so many times. I’m feeling so glad to meet him in person.”

This is not a scene from shooting of a cinema or drama. The Asian Tour brought two stars from two different worlds to the Kurmitola Golf Club. And they became devoted students of star golfer Siddikur Rahman.

As both games are played with a ball and stick-like things, Miraz found similarities between golf and cricket. “This is my first time playing golf. The two games are similar as long as taking shots are concerned. Initially my shots were wayward. Then I thought about cricket and how to grip the bat and having balance which can be applied to golf as well. So I tried to implement those principles and later I played a few good shots,” a satisfied Miraz said.

Riaz, on the other hand, is no stranger to the golf club as he had come here many times for shooting purposes. So he was more busy trying to make her daughter hold the club and putt the ball into the hole. “Our apartment is right next to the golf course. Standing on the balcony of the 13th floor, I thought of coming here to play many times, but could not make the time. Today it finally happened and I’m really glad,” said an ecstatic Riaz.

This is not a scene from shooting of a cinema or drama. The Asian Tour brought two stars from two different worlds to the Kurmitola Golf Club. And they became devoted students of star golfer Siddikur Rahman.

The movie and TV-star had another wish fulfilled. “I am a big fan of Miraz. I am a big fan of Siddikur bhai too. So meeting them together was a wonderful thing.”
The three stars of three worlds were awarded crests by the federation officials as the day ended in a festive mood.


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